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Empowering Every Student: Student Support Services at Wockhardt Global School

At Wockhardt Global School (WGS), we are committed to providing comprehensive support to every student, recognizing and embracing their unique learning differences and individual needs. Our Student Support Services encompass a range of specialized interventions, including Individual Education Planning, tailored teaching techniques, customized assessments, and behavior management strategies. These services aim to ensure that each student, including those identified as gifted and talented, can unlock their full potential, achieve personal independence, access the curriculum effectively, and succeed not only in school but also in their future endeavors.

Inclusive Approach:

WGS adopts an inclusive approach, acknowledging the diverse needs of our students and integrating them into the daily school activities. We create an environment where every student, including those with mild or moderate delays or disabilities, is admitted with utmost respect and care from the entire school community.

“The total development of a child can only take place in an environment conducive for teaching and learning.”

Counseling and Career Guidance:

Navigating the challenges of emotional, hormonal, and societal changes is part of the journey from childhood to adulthood. WGS provides counseling services and career guidance to support students through this crucial phase. Our dedicated team helps students explore their skills and abilities, exposing them to a myriad of opportunities both within India and globally. The University Counseling and Guidance (UCG) Department assists students in scientifically mapping their career options, guiding them throughout the college application process, and fostering successful relationships with top 300 universities worldwide.

Key Features:

  • Identifying students’ real potential and guiding them toward the right career path.
  • Coaching students in choosing specialized streams and deciding on subjects from Grade 8 to Grade 10.
  • Guiding students to shortlist best-fit colleges and universities for higher studies in India and abroad.
  • Providing updated information on international and national application processes, SAT exams, and application deadlines.
  • Assisting with form filling processes, reminding students and parents of deadlines for a smooth college admission process.
  • Offering guidance on writing effective college essays and personal statements, including teacher recommendations.
  • Organizing student development workshops, university fairs, and visits to help students explore their choices.
  • Reviewing all college applications and personal resumes to ensure the strongest possible applications.

Prioritizing Well-being:

WGS understands the importance of prioritizing well-being, especially during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. Our school community benefits from scientifically guided interventions, including age-appropriate coaching and mental health professional support. WGS has established an emotional development program to equip students with skills for expressing, understanding, and coping with anxieties and stress, both during crises and in regular circumstances. Opportunities are provided for students to comprehend body functioning, practice healthy habits, recognize emotions, and learn mindfulness and relaxation techniques to alleviate stress and anxiety.

At Wockhardt Global School, our commitment to student support extends beyond academics, nurturing every aspect of their personal and academic journey.

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