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‘Tell me and I forget
Teach me and I may remember,
Involve me and I learn’
-Benjamin Franklin

How apt! This is specifically true when the young learners are bombarded with information but very few to guide them about how to use the information…wisely, ethically and responsibly.

IB pedagogy revolves around the ‘inquire – action – reflection’ cycle that urges learners to ask relevant questions, take subsequent action and reflect on the actions and consequences. This is a continuous cycle that builds up knowledge and understanding.

Today’s world is all the more wrought by conflict and differences and the ray of hope are the young international minded individuals who understand that people with different perspectives can also be right. IB pedagogy is concept based and at each level focuses on making connections with the real world. The ‘Action’ and ‘Service’ component across PYP, MYP and DP fosters empathy and sense of responsibility towards community.

Young learners have fertile impressionable minds and the IB pedagogy of giving first-hand experience and of learning by doing leaves a lasting impression on the learners. Rather than mere content, concepts are given the center stage and the learners connect, interpret and infer based on their experience. This ensures not mere handshake to knowledge but embracing knowledge that keeps getting built upon.

‘There is no stupid question’ is what IB pedagogy focuses on. Learners learn better when they are curious to know rather than when teachers are eager to impart. Self-driven inquiry connects the learner to the process of locating, identifying, evaluating and applying information. Maximum learning happens not when you are given answers but when you strive to get the answer. That is what builds confidence to strive for more and a trust in self. That is the essence of true education and that is what the IB pedagogy is all about!

As an IB facilitator, it isn’t surprising that every inquiry cycle with my learners leads to new understanding, different actions and various reflections. Every learner is unique and the IB pedagogy ensures that everyone is given a fair chance to learn, practice and implement. Education is one of the basic rights and a way to break the shackles of ignorance and obscurity. Each day with the young learners, I see their horizon of learning getting a little wider, the limit of the sky getting a little higher and their understanding getting a little deeper and my faith in IB pedagogical practices solidifies.

Ms Deepika Kagliwal
IB MYP DP Facilitator
Wockhardt Global School, Aurangabad

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